10 Levels That Should've Been Cut From Recent Video Games
6. Egg Fortress Act 2 - Sonic Superstars
Sonic Superstars was a fitfully enjoyable entry into the franchise largely undone by its battery of infuriating boss battles, which through their maddening length, difficulty, and lack of checkpointing, turned the overall experience into a fatiguing dirge.
And this finally reaches an unbearable fever pitch in the game's final level, Egg Fortress Act 2, where you'll battle Eggman for the final time and be reduced to a jibbering, tear-stained wreck.
The final boss is, appropriately enough, the hardest encounter in the main game, and hellish enough that nobody could be blamed for just putting the controller down and never returning.
This boss fight is bulls**t - a roughly 10-minute endurance trial in which a single player error is cruelly punished with a Game Over and having to restart the entire battle again. As such, those 10 minutes can easily take hours to get through successfully.
Players need to avoid Eggman's projectiles while also dealing with tricky platforming and zero-gravity segments. For a game allegedly aimed at children, it is unreasonably difficult and ends an already disappointing Sonic title on a wildly annoying note.