10 Levels That Stopped Video Games Being Perfect

8. Obliteration Imminent - Dead Space

Halo The Library

With the recent release of the fantastic Dead Space remake, what better time to reconsider the classic original and its single, festering blemish of a mission?

The game's fourth chapter, "Obliteration Imminent," climaxes with the player taking control of a cannon to shoot incoming asteroids and prevent the USG Ishimura's destruction.

As much as it might sound like a fun break from the Necromorph-stomping gameplay, it's not, like, at all.

The primary problem? Though a successful run through this section only takes two minutes in theory, it's incredibly difficult to hit all the incoming asteroids without overheating the cannons, ensuring you're damn-near guaranteed to fail this thing a bunch of times.

It's especially challenging to survive on consoles, without the precision of a mouse, enough that some players ultimately resorted to cranking their display's brightness to get a better look at the projectiles.

Given the mission's infamy, many wondered how EA would treat it in the remake. And what a pleasant surprise it was to see it completely reworked with a similarly themed but quite different variation that wasn't nearly as punishingly difficult. Thank God.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.