10 Lies About Famous Video Games You Probably Believe

9. There's A Nude Lara Cheat Code - Tomb Raider

GTA san andreas bigfoot
Square Enix

One of the most persistent myths in video game history is the so-called "Nude Raider" cheat code in the original Tomb Raider.

Shortly after the game's release, gaming magazines and playground chatter alike fostered the collective belief that players could remove Lara Croft's clothes by inputting an elusive cheat code.

And let's face it, we all got tricked by that one mate who promised us they had the working code, right?

But alas, no Tomb Raider game has ever been released with any sort of official, secret nudity cheat, though that hasn't stopped enterprising hackers and modders from doing it themselves.

So if you've seen a video of anyone playing a Tomb Raider game featuring Lara in the buff, it's in no way legit.

In fact, Eidos hated the rumours enough to initially threaten legal action against anyone disseminating a so-called "nude patch" for PC versions of earlier games in the series.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.