10 Longest Boss Battles In Gaming History

6. Colonel Radec - Killzone 2

Killzone 2 Radec Boss Fight
Guerrilla Games

Bolding repping the very small number of entries on this list that aren’t JRPGs, we’ve got Colonel Radec from Killzone 2.

2009’s Killzone 2 is a first person shooter, a genre not typically known for its lengthy boss fights so Radec already stands out on that front. Destiny raid battles certainly take some figuring out but once you’ve got it down, you’ve got it down.

Unlike some of the cruiser turn-based games on this list that might take a while but let you slip away to top up your beverage of choice, Killzone 2 is a straight up bullet hell marathon. If you’ve set yourself up to play this one on the toughest difficulty setting, good luck to you.

It’s a relatively modest innings at around 30 minutes but that’s 30 minutes of sweating and praying you won’t slip up and have to do it all over again.

At the very least it’ll feel like you’ve created a core memory with this beast of a fight, especially after you’ve had to do away with the initial swarms of soldiers, the tougher wave after that, the tougher wave after that, and the final bank of waves that consists of elite Helghast soldiers equipped with rocket launchers.

Finally you’ll need to down Radec himself who can teleport and make himself invisible. Both top of my list of desired superpowers and low on my list of abilities

I want a boss I’m fighting to have.


Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.