10 Longest Boss Battles In Gaming History

4. Yiazmat - Final Fantasy XII

Final Fantasy 12 Yiazmat
Square Enix

Let’s keep this brutal Final Fantasy nostalgia train rolling with Final Fantasy XII’s wildly tough boss Yiazmat and his over fifty million HP. Yep, you heard that right.

At least Yiazmat is optional as the ultimate Elite Mark within the PS2 RPG epic but if you’re a completionist or a masochist you may have come up against him anyway. He isn’t just a beast for his intimidating health bar, though, he’s also a severe danger to your party due to his ability to take you out in one shot and petrifying moves.

As charming as it may first sound that he’s basically a giant dragon unicorn, the first time you see all the tiny extra health bars under his main health bar ready to top him up as soon as you claw your way through the last one will quickly wipe the smile off your face.

Especially as once you get him down to half a health bar, your party’s damage is capped at just under 7,000, so you’re in for a doozy of a second half. You also really need to stop him from healing otherwise you’re pretty much starting all over again. If you want maximum pain here, original Yiazmat is where it’s at, not his 2017 remaster counterpart.

According to the game’s fandom wiki you’re looking at at least an hour for this one, but more realistically it’s probably a lot more, plenty of people have said it took them anywhere from three hours to thirteen.


Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.