10 Marathon Video Game Boss Battles That Almost Broke You

9. Graven - Conan

Nemesis FInal Fantasy

Conan was a solid hack and slash title released in the early days of the Xbox 360 back in 2007. It offered a surprisingly fun, if completely unmemorable, foray into the world of the barbarian.

After a short but sweet adventure, players are then treated to one of the most god-awful boss battles of this console generation. He's not only a test of your skills as a player, but he's also a test of patience, as time slows to a glacial drip around you trying to take the guy out.

Graven is fought over multiple increasingly tedious phases, and if you mess up on any of them, you're fired all the way back to square one. Not only is the boss arena tiny for a foe his size, but he attacks with massive tentacles that are hard to dodge, cover a huge area, and decimate your health.

On top of trying to avoid this, you also have to deal with up to five mud-soaked, infinitely respawning minions. These enemies will constantly harass you with attacks, leaving you open to taking hits from the main boss.

When you finally manage to drop his health bar, you're then treated to one of the most frustrating fads that have gladly died out this generation: quick-time events. In true terribly designed fashion, they are ridiculously fast, and failing them incurs brutal consequences.

Players online have claimed losing up to four hours constantly dying while trying to push past this final savage, seemingly endless trial.

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Crazy fan of MMA who also loves his films.