10 Marathon Video Game Boss Battles That Almost Broke You

4. The End - Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

Nemesis FInal Fantasy

Metal Gear Solid 3 is a game packed with amazing, creative boss battles, but considered far and away the best is the lengthy duel with ageing veteran The End.

Set in a thick forest spread over three areas separated by loading zones, players are tasked to find the camouflaged sniper while he sits in waiting ready to bring you down. If you never found the thermal goggles up to this point, get ready to be running around empty forestry A LOT.

The End lives up to his reputation too, as he will easily gun down Snake with tranquilliser darts if you're careless, forcing you to wake up in jail and start the whole fight from the beginning again.

After you do find him, you then have the task of sneaking up to hurt the old-timer - which is harder than it sounds. The End will stun you and slip away to a new hiding spot at the slightest misstep, and if you've been pumped with a few darts already your shaky hands make shooting him even more difficult.

Players can be looking at three hours to track down and finally put an end to the legendary sniper, though there are a plethora of ways to help make the fight more bearable, such as shooting his parrot that locates you.

However, the length and amount of variables are what make this last dance with a centenarian one of the greatest boss battles in video game history.

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Crazy fan of MMA who also loves his films.