10 Marvel Superhero Video Games You Never Knew Existed

8. X-Men (Arcade Game)

marvel video games

There have been a huge amount of video games based on the X-Men franchise over the years, it’s second only to Spider-Man as far as the marvel universe goes, but this 1992 Konami coin-op is in my opinion, the very best. Sadly it remains largely unknown these days because it never received any home conversions at the time.

The original arcade cabinet supported up to four-players and used the exact same hardware as the hugely popular Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, released just a few years earlier. It was also near enough identical in concept too, taking the form of an all-action scrolling beat ‘em up.

You could choose between six different X-Men: Cyclops, Collosus, Wolverine, Dazzler, Nightcrawler and Storm – each with their own abilities. A later deluxe version of the game was made that featured twin screens and supported up to six players in total, with each person taking the role of a different character.

Sadly the only way to play this game today is via an arcade emulator such as MAME, but I strongly suggest that any Marvel fan who has never experienced this game does so very soon.


Kieren is from England and is a well known figure in gaming circles. As a writer he is probably best known for his work on the award-winning Retro Gamer magazine but over the years he has written for numerous publications and websites. A keen games collector himself, he is also the organiser of several UK-based gaming events and has a big social media presence.