10 Massively Hyped Video Games That Were Instantly Forgotten

8. Anthem

Anthem Bioware E3 2018 10

The most recent release on this list, EA and Bioware’s Anthem has undoubtedly been the biggest gaming flop in 2019 so far.

After ten years of development, sacrificing teams working on established titles such as Mass Effect and Dragon Age, and a marketing campaign suggesting that they’d reinvented the wheel when it came to loot shooters, Anthem hit the shelves in February and, for the most part, stayed on the shelves.

Early reviews of this game seemed to do enough to turn interested players away. Most reported that there just didn’t seem to be an awful lot to do. The story was virtually non-existent, the missions followed a repetitive travel to place, shoot the bad guys, travel back from place formula, and the gunplay was nothing to write home about.

One of the biggest selling points, the mech-suits, suggested we’d be flying around the map like Iron Man, using verticality and aerial combat freely as a new mechanic that would bring something unique to the genre. In reality, flying was limited to periods of around thirty seconds before requiring a recharge and players were left with a poor attempt to cash in on Destiny’s success along with an overwhelming feeling of “meh.”

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