10 Massively Misleading Trailers NOTHING Like The Final Game

1. Dead Island

Dead Island Definitive Collection
Deep Silver

Dead Island is not a game with an emotional story about the zombie-riddled post-apocalypse. There’s no heartfelt Lee and Clementine relationship at the core, nor is there a deep and emotional mechanic that alters the game around your player choices.

It kinda seemed that way, though, since Dead Island had one of the most emotional announcement trailers we’ve ever seen.

Watching a little girl run for her life and fight to survive alongside her family is absolutely heartbreaking and harrowing. It’s really quite genius on the production side, the whole thing plays in reverse and is super artistic, it just doesn’t really make sense for the game it’s advertising which is anything but sincere. The trailer did get two things right: there are, in fact, a lot of zombies, and the game is set in a tropical holiday resort. Dead Island, in essence, is an open world game where you craft cool weapons and kill stuff. Mostly zombie stuff. And some characters yell “Yeah, bitch!” when they get a kill.

I don’t think anybody yelled “Yeah, bitch” when the Dad had to throw his little zombie daughter out the window but, the trailer isn’t voiced and I don’t want to assume.

The Dead Island 2 trailer is far more upbeat, but that came out seven years ago with no game release date in sight, so it’s safe to say that one is firmly in development hell. Maybe it’ll be a Last of Us-esque emotional tale about the heartbreaking horrors of the zombie apocalypse, who knows.


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