10 Massively Underrated Japanese RPGs You Must Play

8. Lost Odyssey

Lost Odyssey certainly has pedigree behind it €“ it was created by Hironobu Sakaguchi, the same brains behind Final Fantasy, which is arguably the most influential and well-known series in gaming, never mind in the JRPG genre. Not only that, the score was created by another Final Fantasy veteran, Nobuo Uematsu. However, possibly because Lost Odyssey isn€™t Final Fantasy, it never quite garnered the same level of success. However, just because it wasn€™t as popular doesn€™t mean the game is any worse. In fact, Lost Odyssey is arguably a better Final Fantasy game than most Final Fantasy games. It returns to the roots of what made its parent series so successful €“ a huge, epic adventure across several continents; profound, philosophical storylines concerning the 1000-year-old protagonist, Kaim; and a focus on constructing a deep and compelling narrative through which the player is sucked into the game world. Lost Odyssey is an epic in every sense of the word €“ not only is it an under-appreciated gem, but it€™s also absolutely huge (the 360 version comes on 4 discs, just to give you some indication). Given that soon after its release, FFXIII was released to almost universal criticism, maybe Square should€™ve taken notes.
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Lost Odyssey
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