10 Massively Underrated Japanese RPGs You Must Play

3. Dragon Quest Series

The Dragon Quest series has always been the Luigi to Final Fantasy€™s Mario; just as good as, and in many cases better than, its more famous brother, but never quite getting the same recognition or popularity. It€™s a bit unfair really, because the ones that have been localised in the West are, quite frankly, some of the best examples of the genre (Dragon Quest 8, for instance). The gameplay itself tends to stick to the tried and tested formula of turn-based random encounters, which works well, especially when the monsters are all cartoonishly funny and interesting. One of the charms of the series is that it isn€™t afraid to have a sense of humour €“ unlike its bigger brother, which usually has emotions ranging from €œserious€ to €œeven more serious€, DQ will crack jokes, deliver offhand asides and even give you a bit of slapstick comedy. However, that doesn€™t mean it can€™t be deep and emotional when the time comes though €“ far from it, in fact. With its solid, traditional battle system, beautiful cel-shaded graphical style, incredible aptitude for storytelling and compelling cast of characters, the Dragon Quest games are definitely not to be missed.
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