10 Masterpiece Video Games That Are Total Technical Powerhouses

2. Horizon Zero Dawn

Horizon Zero Dawn

At time of writing, chances are you'll be chomping at the bit to play Horizon. Us lucky press folks have been able to go hands-on for a good few days now, but rather than highlight too much of what you can't play, let's collectively bask in the game's immaculate, progressive visuals - which you can get a feel for from the available screenshots.

Guerrilla really took the time to innovate an original art direction that mixes the synthetic tubes and metallic structures of futuristic sci-fi robots, with the leather-clad armour and spears of tribal man. Atop this, they've built what is easily the PS4's crowning achievement so far; a sumptuously gorgeous game that never skips a beat, never drops a frame or has a single bug.

horizon zero dawn

The robo-dinosaurs and other assorted creatures are all hyper-detailed - so much so, you can see every last component that makes them tick (before shooting it off and selling it to a merchant). Character models and their dress have already started inspiring a ton of cosplay, and from vast open plains, forests and jungles to the collapsed human cities and rebuilt wannabe-utopias where Kings reign from high above, Horizon is one of the most unique and powerful video games you'll ever play.

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Uncharted 4
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