Mega Man is a wonderfully diverse series that has been around for just over twenty-five years. Its 129 different games have sold over thirty million copies, making it Capcom's most prolific franchise. However, for a 25th anniversary, there really wasn't much of a celebration. Street Fighter X Mega Man, while interesting, was hardly fitting for a game series that reached this milestone. Even Kirby got a better deal for its 20th than Mega Man. Still, the games are still coming, and while they have plenty of similarities, they are always fun and have replay value. The subject for this article revolves around facts about the Mega Man series that may or may not be known by everyone. Most of these are behind the scenes type facts, so hopefully this will be a learning experience while still being somewhat entertaining.
10. Quick Man As A Rival

When Mega Man 2 was in development, the "father" of Mega Man, Keiji Inafune, wanted to create an antagonist for the blue bomber who would appear at various points in the game. This rival would have been Quick Man, but the idea was scrapped and Quick Man became a normal Robot Master. Inafune still tried to make Quick Man different to the other enemies and he did so by making Quick Man's sprite design go beyond the borders on the stage select screen, something that no other Robot Master does. A true rival would later be revealed in Mega Man 3 in the form of Proto Man.