The apocalypse is nearly upon us. In a mere month's time, Fallout 4 will land like the Fat Man bomb upon the gaming scene, sucking us into the bleak Boston wastelands for hundreds upon hundreds of hours. In a way, that makes it the perfect time to revisit its much-loved predecessors. After all, there's a good chance that once you've played Fallout 4 then going back to Fallout 3 will be like going back to a Nokia 3310 after owning an iPhone 6 (novel, kind of awesome - but ultimately impractical). With that said, Fallout 3 holds one clear advantage over its successor. Right now it has tons of excellent mods that help make it a far deeper, more beautiful and more advanced game than it was upon release. In fact, you can get it pretty close to looking and playing just like Fallout 4, using mods to update the graphics, rejig colours and perks, even letting you build your own settlements! To install Fallout 3 mods on your PC, you'll need
Nexus Mod Manager,
Fallout Mod Manager and
Fallout Script Extender. Once you've got these, then it's time to revitalise that D.C. Wasteland in such a way that you'll wonder whether you even need Fallout 4 in your life when it lands.