10 Mind-Blowing Theories About Batman: Arkham Knight's Identity

7. Azrael

Azrael The former cop, turned criminal turned supernatural crime fighter, Michael Lane stalks Batman throughout Arkham City, delivering cryptic message and referring vaguely to a prophecy. When Bats finally assembles all four clues and tracks him down to the Cathedral, Azrael has this to say: "I bring a message. Dark days are coming, Batman. The prophecy is coming true. You are the warrior who will close the gates of hell. You are the one who will save this day and in doing so events will occur that you cannot stop. From the ashes of Arkham, the fires will rage and Gotham will burn. And you, you will burn too." Ominous words to be sure! Batman shrugs it off claiming that he doesn't believe in fairy tales but Azrael insists that the two will meet again and vanishes. Could they meet again as foes? Though it sounds melodramatic, almost whimsical even, we have to admit his prophecy sounds awfully similar to what we've seen so far from the trailers. Batman indeed saved the city from Hugo Strange's Protocol 10. Yet one year later Gotham is in more danger than ever. The Scarecrow has returned and seems to have brought the city to the brink of destruction. And before Batman can stop him, he must deal with an armored super soldier intent on ending him. Could it be that Azrael is the Arkham Knight? Consider also that Azrael replaced Bruce Wayne as Batman after Bane broke his back in the Knightfall story arc. The Arkham Knight certainly bears more than a passing resemblance to Batman and this theory suggests that Azrael plans on taking out Bruce Wayne so that he may replace him as a more effective Batman (i.e. one who is willing to kill).

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