10 Mini-Games In Yakuza 0 You Must Try

7. Women Fights

Yakuza 0

In steamy clubs, bikini-clad women fight for your adoration and money. You can bet on who's going to win and actually watch them fight!

Their pre-fight presentation is reminiscent of Fight Night or UFC games. Yes, it's overtly sexist - before fights, the women stretch and bend for you, presenting their sporty, curvy figures - but it's consistent with the tone of the game. The pre-match presentation also allows you to learn about their measurements, blood type (which makes sense if you were to take them to the hospital once they get hurt), favorite food, and hobbies (Drinking? Poker? We have so much in common!).

The information isn't useful in any way, but it all adds to Yakuza 0's charm.

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Yakuza 0
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I write sitting with my dogs on the sofa, which often leads to whole paragraphs being deleted by a single touch of a paw or a nose.