10 Mistakes The Developers Accidentally Left In Your Favourite Video Games

4. Bethesda Forgetting To Add Physics To A Paintbrush - The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

elder scrolls 4 IV oblivion

Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day, but give him a gravity-defying paintbrush and he'll ascend to the heavens.

That's how it goes, right?

Regardless, in 2006's edition of The Elder Scrolls, Oblivion, Bethesda straight-up forgot or otherwise missed adding physical properties to your ordinary paintbrush. This meant that not only would they float stock-still in mid-air whenever you 'dropped' them from your inventory, but they could also support the player's weight, leading fans to create a makeshift 'paintbrush staircase'.

Naturally, the sky became the limit, and before long you had videos like the above where players were simply seeing just how far up they could climb before the game's 'ceiling' got in the way.

Turns out, pretty damn high.

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