10 Mistakes Video Game Franchises Made TWICE

5. Releasing Against Way More Popular Games - Horizon: Zero Dawn/Forbidden West

Guerrilla Games

When you release a game can be just as make-or-breaking as the quality of the game you're releasing. Doesn't matter how great your game is, if you're releasing it against something that everyone is going to be talking about - then expect your game to die on the vine. 

This is a curse that has followed the Horizon games since the beginning. 

Both Horizon: Zero Dawn, and Horizon: Forbidden West have done well enough for themselves to have gas in the tank for a follow-up. But both games have flown under the larger gaming public's radar because they keep releasing against highly anticipated games that inevitably suck up all of the oxygen. The first game was released just days before Breath of the Wild, while the second hit shelves just a week before the coming of Elden Ring. 

The Horizon series has had to fight tooth and nail for every inch with every release, and while it has managed to hang in there, this is a streak that must be broken with the next entry. Although knowing this franchise's luck, Horizon 3 will end up releasing against Half-Life 3...

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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?