10 Monumental Video Game Plot Twists Nobody Saw Coming

4. N.I.C.O.L.E.I.S.D.E.A.D - Dead Space

Gta Vice City Lance Vance

A heartbreaking ruse, Dead Space players were strung along the entire game chasing their beloved girlfriend, working to get her off the ship and keep her safe, only to find out she was a Marker induced hallucination that was manipulating Isaac to set the Marker itself free.

Isaac’s sole reason for being on the Necromorph infested Ishimura was to save his girlfriend Nicole and stop her meeting with a terrible fate, his encounters with her always brief and being left with a slightly uneasy feeling that all is not quite right.

Nicole’s nonchalant attitude to being on a stranded spaceship surrounded by vicious aliens is a little disconcerting, but not so much as to raise suspicion. As Isaac returns the Marker to the planet’s surface, Nicole emerges, thanking Isaac for “making them whole” (a phrase that eventually became synonymous with the series). Isaac is then shown a recording of Nicole lethally injecting herself.

While he is mute in Dead Space 1, Isaac is visibly distraught after his discovery that Nicole committed suicide, losing all purpose for his mission, and it makes the final hurdle of the game an emotional as well as physical struggle.


A lover of video games, Star Wars, and cereal. Thinks Starfox Adventures was really good.