10 Morality Systems In Video Games That Can Be Cheated

8. Devil's Highway - Fallout 3

Fallout Karma

The karma system is one of the most iconic parts of Fallout. It keeps track of each decision and action you take and then uses that information to determine whether the people of the wasteland will treat you like their savior or the ultimate boogeyman.

In Fallout 3, there are even a couple of achievements for maintaining an exceedingly high or low level of karma all the way up to level 30. And while it can be quite tricky to acquire and then keep enough points to get the achievements, if you want to get the bad karma one, there's actually an easy and quick way to do so. Best of all, you don't even have to kill or rob a single person!

If you have the Broken Steel DLC, starting at level 24, you can purchase a perk called "Devil's Highway." The perk instantly sets your karma levels to Very Evil, meaning that if you're close to reaching level 30, you can just take "Devil's Highway" upon levelling up and then instantly get the bad karma achievement without ever having to act like a villain.

Well, aside from cheating in the most evil person competition, that is. That's as villainous as villainous goes.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.