10 More Fortnite Crossovers We'd Love To Play

5. Halo

Master Chief Halo

I'll be completely honest; this is entirely for me. Fortnite often brings out the very worst in me and I regularly find myself cursing someone for being "luckier" than I, or lambasting the game for being faulty. When those fits of bubbling rage appear, I often turn my thoughts to the violent ends I wish my recent conqueror should have.

There are very few gaming heroes I'd like to leap to my defence more than Master Chief. Swap regular auto rifles for the MA5B and the standard pickaxe for an Energy Sword and suddenly luck might not be enough to save the rest of the little b*stards jumping around the map.

Put the same mechanics as the Thanos mode into this, meaning anyone who defeats the soldier gets the chance to subsequently take on the role. The health boost may need to be knocked down to counteract the extra weapon variety, but there are very few people who wouldn't want the chance to bring Master Chief into the battle royale.


Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.