10 More GENIUS Ways Video Games Fought Cheaters

5. Support Characters Guilt-Trip You During Battle - Persona 3

Metal Gear Solid The Twin Snakes Revolver Ocelot

If all else fails, there's always straight-up guilt-tripping players and making the very act of cheating so annoying that they might decide against it.

And so we have Persona 3, which had a bizarre-yet-brilliant surprise for players who used cheats to access party members or Personas who weren't yet legitimately available - prolonged complaints from your support characters.

You'll likely hear the likes of Mitsuru and Fuuka say things such as, "You're cheating... I'll have to punish you," "I trusted you. I can't believe you cheated," "I'm very disappointed in you," "Cheaters never win!," and "*gasps* You're cheating!"

Other than this, the game doesn't do anything to prevent you from hacking away to your heart's content, but after a good while of listening to your buddies chide you for being a dirty little cheat, it might start to actually get to you.

When nothing else works, psychological warfare it is.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.