10 MORE Harsh Ways Video Games Punish You For Rage Quitting

9. Dark Souls II Removes Players' Summoning Abilities

Dark Souls 2

Dark Souls II's online multiplayer allows both co-operative and PVP play with fellow adventurers, but because some players want to flat-out avoid being invaded by others, it's not uncommon for people to force-quit the game (as the conventional "quit" option disappears once connected to another player).

Do this a few times in quick succession, however, and your online experience will be dramatically altered with all summoning privileges being revoked, meaning you can't call players for help nor be drafted in to help out others.

Hilariously, though, you can still be invaded, and the only way to restore a good faith connection is to use an item, the Bone of Order, one of which is given to players at the start of the game, presumably for the sake of those suffering through genuine connection problems.

Once the Bone of Order is used, however, players won't get another chance to retrieve one for an estimated 10-14 hours of play without incident, making things decidedly less fun for the habitual rage quitter.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.