10 More Levels That Almost Made You Quit Video Games

1. Gate’s Laboratory Levels - Mega Man X6

mega man x6

There are loads of notoriously unpopular and brutal levels in the iconic Megaman series, many of the most unfair coming out of the Mega Man X Series.

While we’re spoiled for choice in options here we’ve given our top slot to the half-baked and infamously frustrating Mega Man X6. Honestly, the whole game is end to end pain but perhaps the worst level of all is Gate’s Laboratory. To wrap this one up here are all the things that are bad about, and if you think this is going to be a short and sweet entry with a little list of a couple irritations you would be sorely mistaken. The stage is way too long, for one, the initial area is caked in spikes that will kill you instantly, the enemy types are some of the nastiest the game has to offer like Monbandos who can shield from damage, there are some near impossible areas to traverse without dying, especially with basic X, the miniboss can only be hurt by a very specific combat approach, and the final boss kicks off between a bunch of tiny platforms that you’ll need to hop between while trying to hit Gate with his own projectiles and even if you do start to hurt him he’ll begin destroying the platforms.

And yet it is somehow still more irritating than I’ve made it sound. It’s enough to make you give up on video games altogether but at the very least, certainly Mega Man X6.


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Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.