10 (More) Old School Games That Deserve A Remake

6. Low G Man

low g man If you don€™t remember Low G Man don€™t worry, it came out in the last phase of the Sega Genesis and SNES€™s life spans. Some gamers might remember that both consoles went out with a bang and those last few developers squeezed every ounce of processing power out of those machines and mad some really good games in the end. If there was any game from that last few years or so that deserved a second chance to wow gamers it was Low G Man, the G stood for gravity by the way. Low G Man was a side scroller more akin to Mega Man and Mario then say Final Fight. The hero€™s main ability (as you have probably guessed) was to make gravity defying leaps as he raced to complete his goal. Now, imagine a sand box game where that kind of ability is utilized. Update: Low G Man screams open world environment gaming. Doing things that would be the envy of even the most savvy parkour enthusiast, Low G Man would be one of those games that had the player hooked the moment he or she leapt their character from the street to a nearby rooftop. At that point, why my guy is doing what he€™s doing, means nothing just let me run around this city jumping to new heights, I€™ll actually do something later. The Xbox One and PS4 have the guts to make a game like this incredible.
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Dante R Maddox got started in writing about pop culture in 2007. He developed his conversational style majoring in English and minoring in speech communication, his desire to write as if he were speaking to the reader face to face was the bane of many professors. An odd blend of geek cred and regular fella chic', you're just as likely to end up talking about baseball or politics as you are about comic books and movies (just don't mention Tucker Carlson, you are addressing the man who will go to jail for assault in the future after all). He wrote a book called The Lineage of Durge that's available on Amazon for a small amount of money, he's writing a second while acting as Editor-in-Stuff over at Saga Online Press, there is a graphic novel expansion of his book series also in the works as well as continued development of his cheesecannon, one day Canada...one day (Seriously, a piece of ham, you slice it up and now it's bacon?!?!? I say thee nay!!!)