10 More Pointless Video Game Mechanics Nobody Used

1. The Gummi Ship - Kingdom Hearts

Vanquish Smoking
Square Enix

By far the most divisive aspect of the Kingdom Hearts games is the requirement to pilot a Gummi Ship in order to travel between worlds. Beyond padding out the gameplay these sections were effectively pointless - nothing more than tedious on-rails shooting sequences nobody asked for.

Sadly there's no way to avoid using the Gummi Ship in the three Kingdom Hearts games, though it's safe to say that most players didn't spend any more time in them than they needed to, and certainly avoided wasting time with the optional Gummi side content and upgrades.

While Square Enix admittedly made these sections far more tolerable in the second and third games, they still didn't suit the series' design philosophy overall.

Why force us through these painfully bland time-filler segments in a series of games whose appeal lies in exploring magical worlds filled with iconic Disney characters?

After all, in a franchise with a loose-at-best grasp of its own internal logic, would anyone have cared if Sora and company just... magically warped their way between worlds? Not a damn soul.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.