10 MORE Terrifying Resident Evil Enemies That Haunted Your Nightmares

2. Crimson Head - Resident Evil: Remake

Crimson Head Resident Evil

Now it might seem odd to place what appears to be a regular zombie on this list after all the beasts we’ve seen, but these are no ordinary run of the mill watchmojo fans, these are Crimson Heads, and these are goodam terrifying.

When a zombie or other bioweapons host body begins to die, either through being weighed down with bullets or some other issue, there’s a chance that the T-Virus will try and activate one more time in order to get the body moving and infect another person. When it happens in a zombie for example you get Crimson heads, so named because their heart pumps like the clappers thus flushing them red with what’s left of the hosts blood.

This sends the Crimson heads into a pure, desperate rage and they will stop at nothing in their attempts to kill the survivors. They’re faster, more erratic, and tougher so somehow the developers have found a way of making a much regarded and much feared monster like the zombie, and somehow making it EVEN WORSE. Thanks.

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