10 More Video Game DLCs Better Than The Game

8. Citadel - Mass Effect 3


Well over a decade (!) removed from Mass Effect 3's release, most fans will surely admit that it's hardly a bad game, even if its lackluster ending did leave an understandably sour, even franchise-tainting taste in many players' mouths.

Thankfully the Citadel DLC - the game's very last DLC pack - released almost exactly a year later, offered up decidedly more gratifying closure for the story and characters inside a tight couple of hours.

Citadel revolves around the crew of the Normandy going on shore leave, whereby they must untangle a conspiracy against Commander Shepard. 

With its lower, more contained stakes - taking place before the climax of the third game - lighter tone and emphasis instead on character interactions, Citadel is basically the joyous Mass Effect finale that the threequel wasn't.

Nothing puts a bandage on poor storytelling quite like fan service, and in this case it was most certainly needed. The episode culminating in a party for the Normandy's crew surely quelled the rage of even the angriest of fans.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.