10 More Video Game DLCs Better Than The Game

2. First Light - Infamous: Second Son

Sucker Punch

Infamous: Second Son was a solid if ultimately unremarkable PS4 launch title, and while DLC prequel First Light doesn't deviate too far from its predecessor's gameplay template, it does have one major advantage - a far more appealing protagonist.

Second Son's hero Delsin Rowe is obnoxious to a fault, whereas First Light's Fetch is both infinitely more likeable and has a more compelling backstory to boot.

Even though you've only got Fetch's Neon powers at your disposal and it clocks in at just around three hours - roughly half the length of Second Son's main campaign - Fetch's superior personality and more fluid combat and traversal abilities make First Light a brilliantly bite-sized spin-off that's ultimately more fun than the main game.

Couple this with its more streamlined, laser-focused story and the inspired addition of an Arena Challenge mode, and First Light is basically an incremental improvement upon Second Son while ditching most of what didn't work.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.