10 More Video Game Villains Hiding In Plain Sight

8. Clayface - Batman: Arkham City

Video Game Villains Hiding Skyrim Markarth Cannibals

Players are forced to confront and battle Joker inside the Monarch Theatre in the ending of Batman: Arkham City.

Joker, who had practically been at death's door previously, appears to be completely cured of the Titan poisoning, only to reveal that the 'healthy' Joker isn't Batman's biggest rival but rather Clayface, a villain capable of impersonating any living organism.

It is revealed that Clayface has been working as one of Joker's allies throughout the entire game and actually pulled off a number of the sequences players see in-game, including shutting down Black Mask's operations and opening up the Sionis Steel Mill for Joker and his goons to use.

It's a neat little hoodwink, one that surely tricked a few players during their first playthrough, but it can actually be spoiled much earlier on.

If players scan the fake Joker during their fight using Detective Mode, they will see that he is missing a skeletal structure. Every other person has one, including the real Joker, so this is Rocksteady's way of teasing the truth for those eagle-eyed players.

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Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.