10 More Video Games That Let You Hilariously Troll Other Players
3. Rainbow Six Siege's Reverse Friendly Fire
Friendly fire and team-killing have been a major problem since Rainbow Six Siege launched in late 2015, and earlier this year, Ubisoft finally introduced a robust system for (theoretically) weeding out malevolent players.
Reverse friendly fire is exactly what it sounds like: players who shoot a teammate or hostage will receive a warning message, with any further infractions inflicting the friendly fire back on the offending player themselves for the rest of the match, unless the attacked player agrees to forgive them.
But the system is hardly perfect and ripe for exploitation, especially for trolls working in groups, who can deal damage to players between them to avoid harsher penalties.
Plus, there's nothing stopping trolls putting themselves in harm's way, be it running into teammate gunfire or setting off their traps, in order to get killed and inflict reverse friendly fire on an innocent player.
The fanbase has been begging Ubisoft to refine the game's friendly fire penalties over the last few months, because at present smart trolls are still able to have their jollies largely free of punishment.