10 Most Absurd Lawsuits In Video Game History
8. Gate Five Vs. Beyoncé
The case: As proven time and again with exemplary examples like 50 Cent: Bulletproof, video games based on selling themselves by way of a starring celebrity role are often destined for failure.
Enter Starpower: Beyoné, a supposed motion-based dance title developed by Gate Five that would feature the music star in a major capacity, but never came to fruition. Having already sunk a reported $6.7 million into the project, Gate Five received the devastating news not long after that Beyoncé had abruptly pulled out of the project on a "whim."
Gate Five promptly countered by attempting to sue Beyoncé for $100 million on the basis that her pulling out had not only put people out of employment but scared off a potential financier that was about ready to invest in the project.
The outcome: The lawsuit came to a close when both parties agreed to an undisclosed settlement, meaning, sadly, we'll never get to bust a move alongside Beyoncé. On the flip side, the case will at least serve as a deterrent to celebrities from attempting to cash in on an industry they're not intimately familiar with.