10 Most Annoying Multiplayer Weapons In Video Games

2. M6D Pistol (Halo: Combat Evolved)

halo pistol

Did you know that there were seven multiplayer weapons in Halo: Combat Evolved? I ask this seemingly simple piece of trivia, because it's actually quite possible that even expert Halo players forgot that there were other options besides the M6D Pistol.

Halo's pistol achieved legendary status in the world of video games because its ability to drop an enemy at most reasonable ranges with a mere three shots. Its impressive damage capabilities combined with the gun's scope meant that there was almost no situation this pistol wasn't suited to handle.

In turn, this meant that there was rarely a reason to use any other gun, and that's what made this weapon so annoying.

Its sheer power meant that there were very few maps and situations where it wasn't the best option available. As such, certain matches quickly turned into an unofficial "pistols only" affair, which thoroughly reduced the scope and fun of what was on offer overall.

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An entertainment enthusiast living in Brooklyn, trying to make his way by slinging words at blank pages.