10 Most Annoying Video Game Levels Ever Made

7. Stage 6-2 (Ninja Gaiden)

Crash 4

It's no secret that video games were a lot more difficult in the NES days. And there may be no game that fits this description more aptly than Ninja Gaiden. The entire game is incredibly challenging, but there is no level within it that is more frustrating than Level 6-2.

To make a long story short: there is a good reason why so many old-school gamers still fear this level.

It begins with a torrent of flying ninjas throwing their stars at you. They're hard enough to dodge on their own, but sometimes they'll kill you without even hitting you. While you are offered a temporary reprieve while climbing up to the upper part of the level, you're met by a literal endless artillery of avian enemies (among other ninjas), who will respawn immediately upon being killed.

This level doesn't ever give you a moment to think; it's a literal constant onslaught of things that can, will, and want to kill you. And it's especially frustrating because, at times, it feels impossible to beat. And there is a stark difference between "difficult" and "impossible".

Of course, we all know that this level can be conquered through trial and error, but the point still stands - this level is rife with unfair enemy placement, to a point where beating it feels more like luck than it does skill.


He/him/his. Born in 1992. Lifetime native of Massachusetts. Part-time columnist. Aspiring actor/singer. Black Belt. Twitch Affiliate. Drinks iced coffee all year round. Loves pro-wrestling and MMA.