10 Most Anticipated Video Games Of 2020 - Ranked

7. Halo: Infinite

Cyberpunk 2077
343 Productions

A new Halo game is always exciting - but this one especially so, given the drought of Xbox games over the past few years.

Unlike all previous games in the series, the game seems to be taking more of an open world approach - bringing the sandbox gameplay Halo is known for to a much larger scale.

Unfortunately, fans are yet to see any actual footage of how the game actually plays and details on the story have been very sparse (it only being obvious that the new tale will take place after the events of Halo 5 and see Master Chief go up against the newly evil Cortana) - making it hard to put this title any higher up the list.

Nonetheless, this game is one to keep an eye on.


Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!