10 Most Awesome Video Game Openings

7. Resident Evil 2

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuEpNypf31I&t=5m42s Resident Evil 2 has one of the best opening cut-scenes in video game history, as Claire and Leon meet up in the zombie-infested streets and decide to team up. However, fate has other plans and an exploding tanker separates them in rather convoluted fashion, meaning we're left to play as, depending on which disc you choose, Leon or Claire solo. While the first Resident Evil opted for a slow burn in which you mill about in the mansion hall for a while and have the safety of other characters, Resident Evil 2 throws you right in at the deep end, assuming that the player, having beaten the first game, has a firm grasp of the controls and mechanics. When the game begins, we're in a burning Raccoon City street, surrounded by a large number of zombies, and as Resident Evil experts will know, the key to getting through the area is not whipping out your gun, but by zig-zagging through the crowd. The fantastic score, outstanding visuals - for the time, c'mon - and unexpectedly frantic tone makes for a thrilling opening segment, as we make sure to quickly leg it into the gun shop around the corner for a reprieve. But that isn't much help either, as the zombies soon enough crash the party, and we're on the run again.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.