10 Most Baffling Crossovers In Video Game History

3. Street Fighter X Mega Man

Street Fighter X Megaman

Not only is Street Fighter x Mega Man a pretty strange crossover idea, it's one of the only entries on this list that actually acknowledges it. Taking a rather meta approach to things, the game catches up with Mega Man who, after 25 years of saving the day, has decided to give himself a day off to enjoy the milestone. Wanting one more battle rather than to have a peaceful anniversary though, he's met by Ryu from Street Fighter and roped into an adventure.

Despite being billed second in the title, the game is straight-up classic Mega Man, acting as a return to the earliest releases in the series. That focus on one style of gameplay actually benefits the title in the long run though, rather than trying to spread itself thin by cramming in too many influences.

It wasn't perfect, and its issues as a fan-made project (that still got the backing from Capcom, mind you) do shine through, but that doesn't stop Street Fighter x Mega Man from being a loving celebration of both iconic gaming series.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3