10 Most Baffling Crossovers In Video Game History

2. Robocop Versus The Terminator

Robocop Vs Terminator
Virgin Interactive Entertainment

A shooter made originally for the SEGA Mega Drive, the weird mashup between Robocop and The Terminator - a "who would win?" argument that would have no doubt rivalled today's "Batman or Superman" geek debate back in the '90s - was actually rooted in a short-lived four-issue comic book that ran in 1992.

How a video game adaptation ever came about isn't entirely clear, but to get the two believably sharing the same universe the writers had to rejig both of the characters' backstories in a convoluted way that definitely doesn't feel like pure fan fiction.

In this reality it was actually part of Robocop's tech that went on to help create Skynet, and in classic Terminator fashion, machines are sent back in time to crush the human resistance in its infancy, with only Robocop being powerful enough to blow the living hell out of them once they arrive.

Despite the game being a glorified excuse to see two of the most iconic robots in cinematic history face off against each other, actually playing it wasn't all that fun, and these days it's remembered for its admittedly-awesome premise alone.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3