10 Most Beloved Gaming Consoles Of All Time

1. Sega Megadrive/Genesis

sega megadrive It's contentious, but the wonderful thing about these lists is that it's all down to individual opinion, and the Sega Megadrive (known as the Sega Genesis in North America) is certainly a console no stranger to adoration. The successor to Sega's Master System, the Megadrive is such a retro-sounding name, instantly forcing nostalgia to sweep over your merry mind, and taking us back to a time when everything was innocent. Gamers are split right down the middle between preferring the SNES and this beast of a machine, but regardless of personal preference, it can't be denied that Sega did some wonderful things with the Megadrive, and it's another one of the systems which remains in homes today. Just try and read through any list detailing some of the best games the Megadrive has to offer, and try not to smile, it's next-to-impossible. Cherished and doted upon, the Megadrive is the best piece of hardware Sega ever produced, and one of the best ever, period. Best games: Sonic The Hedgehog 2, Streets Of Rage 2, Golden Axe, Flashback, Comix Zone, Phantasy Star II. What are some of your most-loved consoles of all time, and what are your most-loved games for those systems? Maybe you have a favourite not listed here. If so, let us know in the comments below!
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.