10 Most Beloved Video Game NPCs Of The Decade

9. Sojiro Sakura (Persona 5)

Witcher 3 bloody baron

Our guardian throughout our year of exile, Sojiro, better known as “Boss”, seems to be a gruff and unloving old man. However, the more time you spend with Sojiro, the more layers of complexity unfold, and soon you see more than the persona that he is displaying and the true man who lives underneath.

The development of your relationship with Boss throughout the academic year Persona 5 is set in feels the most natural out of the confidants you meet in Tokyo. His charm and charisma, though sometimes a bit abrasive, is always charming but as our time at Shujin Academy progresses, Boss soon shows passion, compassion and an aspiring level of selflessness.

By the time the school year is finished and it is time for us to return home, Sojiro has become just as much a friend and Phantom Thief as the rest of the team.


Watcher of old films. Player of many games. Lover of all sports. Pretentious on most music. Useless at physical tasks.