10 Most Bizarre Gaming Features We Just Accept

5. Puzzle Rooms

Modern Warfare Low Health

Another mainstay of both modern and retro gaming which, when you really think about it, is ludicrous.

The Puzzle Room.

Your hero has battled through a dungeon, dispatching goblins and monsters (which all look the same, obviously) with gleeful abandon, only to encounter a locked door.

How to open it, you wonder.

Fear not, fair traveller, for there are other objects of interest within these hitherto unexplored (more on that later) walls.

The door - a massive hulking stone slab, no less - is definitely locked; there is no lock to pick nor hinge to break, but there IS a celestial constellation etched into the very rock of the imposing door.

Okay, good start.

Looking around, you notice that there are also multiple large, cuboid blocks positioned at random intervals around the room, each bearing the face of an animal.

Right, we're on to something; what else is there?

Reflecting the light and catching your eye is a silver dagger with a something inscribed along the exquisite blade... "Gary from Stevenage".

Okay, so... Constellations, Animal Faces, Gary from Stevenage and... Oh, look! There are pressure pads on the floor arranged so as to resemble Huw Edwards from BBC News when viewed from above.....

You see?


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Jedi Knight, last son of Krypton, backwards-compatible gaming nerd, Dark Knight of Teesside...