10 Most Breathtaking Moments In Video Game History

6. Encountering Cronos - God Of War III

God of War III is a spectacular tour de force of unbridled, uncontrollable male id gone amok, and it is glorious, containing many of the franchise's most unforgettable sequences. Kratos's rampage through the cast of Greek mythology eventually puts him at the mercy of the Titan Cronos, who has a personal beef with Kratos for stealing Pandora's Box and getting him banished to the pits of Tartarus.

This encounter is breathtaking for one major reason: scale. Titan is an apt word to describe Cronos, because he is massive, able to hold Kratos between his fingers like a human with an ant.

In the end, Kratos has no problem taking down a being thousands of times his size, which results in a conclusion that is absurdly bloody. It's an exciting and thrilling sequence that literally pushed the franchise to new heights. It entertains as much as it awes, and is a strong contender for best moment of God of War III.

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Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.