10 Most Brilliantly OTT Sports Video Games Of All Time

9. Rocket League

This might be the most non-traditional approach to a sports game in recent memory: a soccer game where you don't control people, but rather a rocket powered car. Inevitably it does feel more like an arcade game and it takes an entirely unique spin on the sport, but it's a glorious marriage and it's no surprise the game is already so popular. Rocket League has already taken the world by storm, and has seen one million players just on the Xbox One alone - with close to nine times that overall across all platforms. Those number don't lie. The gameplay, as simple as it may be, is fantastic and while the physics may take some getting used it, once you do it's very difficult to shake the game off. With a genre so dry, it's nice to see a new game come out, take a spin on a simple sport and produce something that's truly unique, eye catching and fun as hell.

Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.