10 Most Brutally Hard First-Person Shooter Levels In Video Game History

7. GoldenEye 007 - Aztec Complex

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GoldenEye 007 for the N64 is considered by many to be one of the best first-person shooters ever made, and it happens to contain a level well known within the community for its difficulty. This level, titled Aztec Complex, is a secret unlockable that has you, as 007, breaking into an illegal launch facility hidden within some South American Aztec ruins.

While this tight-fitting level does offer decent cover, the soldiers on patrol seem to have greater reaction time and accuracy than normal; able to spot you immediately upon entering their visibility range. This forces you to be extra precautious and make sure every shot counts. Enemy placement is such that it allows them to sneak up on a player less familiar with the layout, making it very easy to get taken out before you even realize what’s happened.

The Aztec Complex is very much a “test your skills” type of level that you play after having beaten the main campaign, and in this way it succeeds. You have to play efficiently and meticulously, and if you don’t, well, you know what happens.


Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.