10 Most Complex NPCs In Video Games

9. Persona 5 - Sojiro Sakura

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Initially cold and somewhat authoritarian, this ladies man eventually becomes one of the most intriguing characters in all of Persona 5.

Following the arrival of your player character in Tokyo after a mysterious event gets you in trouble back in your hometown, Sojiro Sakura takes you in to live in the loft above his coffee shop.

At first the smooth-talking Sojiro comes across as somewhat of a a jerk, as he keeps treating you with caution, due to your previous troubles. However as the story unfolds he begins to place more trust in you and displays paternal qualities, emerging as a genuine guardian to the merry band of Phantom Thieves that hang out in his coffee shop.

Sojiro also has some demon’s of his own, as he blames himself for the death of his one-true love and mother to his adoptive daughter. He seeks your help in persuading his daughter to leave the house, during which you learn more about him as well as the truth behind his love’s death.

This leads to some genuine character development that results in Sojiro becoming one of the most complex and memorable characters in all of Persona 5.


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