10 Most Controversial Video Game Marketing Campaigns Of All Time

8. A Goat Is Sacrificed In The Name Of God Of War 3

Wolfenstein 2

Wanting to throw an extravagant launch party for the upcoming God of War 3, Sony invited a bunch of people in the gaming industry to a media event themed all around the sequel. Featuring decor and events based on the title's Ancient Greek setting, the party also including a sacrificed goat that was being dragged around the place.

The media stunt was reported on first by the Daily Mail who managed to secure images from inside the event, alleging that partygoers were invited to caress the still-warm carcass of the animal. Obviously, this brazen display of a dead animal didn't sit well with the majority of people when the news broke, and Sony was criticised for supporting animal cruelty.

Admittedly, some of the details were later found to be embellished by the Daily Mail (of course), and other reports cleared up that the goat was going to be killed regardless, so it's not like the marketing team orchestrated the death of an animal themselves, they just took advantage of it.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3