10 Most Controversial Video Game Marketing Campaigns Of All Time

4. Dante's Inferno Sparks A Christian Protest

Wolfenstein 2

The entirety of EA's "Sin to Win" marketing campaign for Dante's Inferno was an absolute disaster, but things really got out of hand when they staged a fake Christian protest against EA and the game itself.

Obviously, anything surrounding religion is an instantly touchy subject, and the misguided media stunt was criticised for being a blatant attempt to ruffle some feathers.

However, although it was clearly designed to push peoples' buttons, EA got more than they bargained for when the fake protest actually inspired a real Christian protest in response, which added even more negative coverage to the title.

That was a disaster, but EA's next "Sin to Win" campaign was just as bad, asking players to take pictures of "lusty acts" in order to win a "sinful night with two hot girls, a limo service and a [...] chest full of booty".

They just couldn't help themselves, and rode out the whole "Sin to Win" gimmick right up until the game's launch.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3