10 Most Difficult Gaming Moments Of 2015

4. Ebrietas, Daughter Of The Cosmos - Bloodborne

If we didn't have an unwritten rule about making sure that a diverse range of games is represented in this list, then it would probably be made up entirely of moments throughout Bloodborne - and most of those moments would probably be the boss battles. But picking just one out of the whole nightmarish bunch will have to suffice, in which case the fungal monstrosity Ebrietas wins out. She (spare a thought for the person who had to 'check' her gender) is a tentacled monstrosity befitting of Bloodborne's Lovecraftian tone, and is - counter-intuitively - dangerous to attack from the sides on account of her wide, speedy sweeping attacks. That pretty much means you have to tackle her face on, right up in her spewing, spore-infested face - also a big ask considering her devastating charges and the fact that she can simply grab you and feast on you, killing you in one hit. Tough though she is, she's a brilliantly-designed encounter that rewards composure, bravery and raw gaming skills. You'll die repeatedly, but you know that when you finally win you deserve it.
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Gamer, Researcher of strange things. I'm a writer-editor hybrid whose writings on video games, technology and movies can be found across the internet. I've even ventured into the realm of current affairs on occasion but, unable to face reality, have retreated into expatiating on things on screens instead.