10 Most Difficult Video Games Of The Decade

7. Furi

Cuphead Heart Man
The Game Bakers

Furi is bullet hell incarnate. An indie action shoot ‘em up with a colourful, retro style, Furi is a fast paced and unforgiving boss fight game with hack and slash and twin stick shooter mechanics.

Players will need to dodge hundreds of bullets, parry boss attacks, counter attack, and perform quick-time events in order to gain the upper hand on their opponents. Furi features ten unique bosses, each hell-bent on stopping you from escaping the prison you are held in.

Surprisingly sporadic difficulty spikes and a sheer invocation of panic are what make Furi a true accomplishment to conquer. Fights can be incredibly unforgiving, with the neon lights of fiery bullet death constantly raining down upon you. Encounters are long and tough, with multiple phases to each of them, making every single level a huge relief to complete.

That relief lasts but a few short moments before the next boss starts to kick your butt.

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Video Editor and recent addition to the madness of the Gaming team, when she's not chatting about games, thinking about games, or playing games, she's streaming them on twitch. Tweet her pictures of dogs @DontRachQuit